The bain of my existence at the moment.... LOCATION for the wedding/ reception. Who knew that it would really be this hard? I was thinking look at a few places... see which ones I like... and who ever has the best price wins.... man was I WRONG! This is getting to be really frustrating, and the wedding in Vegas is starting to sound better and better everyday.
This is where we are so far...
The Old Town Hall in Fairfax... Love it, great old town location, buuut its small... really smalll.... Our guest list has definitely out grown it!
Portuguese Club, Manassas...VERY pretty inside, its a ballroom- but its very classy, and there is LOTS of space, and a great bar in another room. Theres marble floors in the foyer, beautiful hardwood floors, and chandeliers! But haneous outside, teeny windows, and this is one space that is actually too big for our crowd... but theres a disco ball... for real... hahha
Coomber Barn, Herndon...SO I haven't been here yet, this is one of Mom's finds... I told her I want a barn... Wellllll its defiantly a barn on the outside... not so much on the inside! It would take a lot to make this space wonderful, but there are windows... and the price is right.
The Barns at Wolf Trap, Vienna...
My Favorite so far! Its very rustic and different! They are two barns taken from New York and reassembled here in Vienna! I love the flow of the space, and think there is a lot of potential. But I am the only one who as seen it, and the price is a little higher than some of the other places. Hopefully I will be able to get everyone up there to see and they will love it too.
SO those are our choices so far, there doesn't seem to be any more locations big enough for us that meet all of our wants...
We still need a church also, so if you know of any that are near any of our potential locations please speak up!
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